
Annual Report

Pastor Mark Dixon’s Report

We talk a lot about experiencing New Life at West Meadows, and personally, seeing examples of this is one of my biggest motivators.  It always gives me great joy and energizes me to see people taking steps in their relationship with Jesus and with one another. I know this will help them to experience “Life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Throughout this Annual Report, you will encounter many examples and statistics regarding this New Life that the staff and I find affirming of our present calling and a reminder that God has more prepared for us in the days ahead.

  • In 2022, we experienced significant growth in all ministry areas as new people joined and were born into our West Meadows fellowship. Our Youth Group tripled in size, a few dozen Young Adults joined LifeGroups, Sunday worship – on site and online – steadily increased, and we celebrated a baby-boom in 2022 (that continues in 2023!).

  • Throughout the year we are constantly performing facility maintenance, repairs and minor updates, but this past August we also completed the first major update with the foyer renovation. This not only modernized our primary fellowship space but also increased our ability to serve people through our Infant’s Room, New Life Cafe, and a permanent home for WM@Home

  • To accompany all of our LifeGroups, Teaching Groups, Connect Groups, and Serve Groups, this year we began launching our Discipleship Pathway that will be fully launched Fall 2023. This year we also completed the Spiritual Life Assessment to inform church leadership of opportunities that exists for us to better disciple and serve people through our ministries. Highlights of this assessment are listed later in this report. In brief, the consultant we worked with summarized our results by saying, “we need more churches like West Meadows!”

  • This is what it’s all about; seeing people experience New Life with Jesus! Last year we experienced a record number of people make first time professions of faith, enter into the water of baptism, attend our marriage enrichment course, join a LifeGroup, attend a Pastors Bible Study, become a member of our church and volunteer to serve others.

To say that I feel blessed and humbled by what God has done through West Meadows this year would be an understatement. I ask you to join me in thanking Him for this past year, and to commit to honour Him each day by faithfully revealing His grace, truth and love to each soul entrusted to our care for His glory.


Pastor Mark & Nadine Dixon

What We’ve Learned

Sermon series

Terry Elkins - Board Chair

As I look back at the past year, it's been a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our mission to “invite people to experience new life with Jesus, by living out His grace, truth and love.” At West Meadows, our mission statement isn't just a catchy phrase; it genuinely reflects who we are—a vibrant, engaged, and welcoming community of believers who journey together and deepen our relationship with Jesus. We've been abundantly blessed, witnessing God's work in numerous ways:

  1. Vibrant and expanding ministry opportunities

  2. Celebrating several baby dedications, baptisms, and new members

  3. Achieving financial health and stability

  4. Steady growth in both in-person and online attendance

In addition to these exciting activities, let's take a look at some other highlights from the Board calendar:

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts on anything mentioned above, feel free to email us at boardchair@westmeadows.org.

Terry Elkins, Board Chair

Our Ministries

WM Kids

WM Kids is growing in every area! From babies to toddlers to preschoolers and beyond, we are grateful for God's blessings and the gift He has given us to help children Know, Grow, and Show God’s love! Through Sunday morning interactions, ministries specific to the needs of our families (Extraordinary Kids, Chat & Play, etc), & a keen interest in reaching our community through day camps & events, this past year has exploded with New Life!

Easter Eggstravaganza

We brought back the Easter Eggstravaganza and it was better than ever!


Welcoming over

people from the community.

NEW Infants Room

To serve our ever growing group of Young Families, the foyer was renovated to include an Infants Room.

Huge thank you to all who helped out! You all made an amazing spot to appreciate all the parents and babies in our church family.

WM Youth

We have been able to interact with 30+ youth in the past year and we are seeing consistent interactions many of those youth in a variety of different ways.

Our youth group has grown


– Lori Hill, Leadership Nominations Committee Chair

“A highlight of the nominating committee this year was related to us giving more information to the congregation about what the Board is and what it means to become a member of the Board. This led one member of the church to come to us, asking more questions, and eventually leading to a recommendation of this person to the Board. It was encouraging to see that initiative taken. It is also encouraging to see the engagement of the church with the Board, wanting to be more knowledgeable and caring about what the Board does.”

Board Member Highlight


WM Women started the year off with the ‘Making Memories’ Kick Off night. Throughout the year, several women have participated in our Covert Care/Secret Pal initiative.  Janae Oostenbrink and Pastor Thina planned the ‘Globe Trotting’ event where a room full of women were blessed by our Guest Speaker Michelle Ball and an African Children’s Dance group performance.  Our theme “For God so Loved the World” was well received. 

Plans are already in place for a special event in November and again in the New Year.  These connecting opportunities have been a wonderful way to encourage women to bond and they are a good complement to other gatherings hosted at West Meadows, such as Grandmas & Gals Prayer Group, Compassionate Crafters, Chat n’ Play, and LifeGroups created to equip and mobilize women to influence their world as godly women.

Spiritual Life Assessment

  1. Define & Increase Mentorship Opportunities

  2. Improve emphasis on “Faith in Action”

  3. Define if Life Groups are part of our DNA

  4. Solidfy & begin high communication of our Discipleship Pathway

  5. Position West Meadows @ Home with our Audience in mind

To get an accurate look at how we’re doing as a church and to provide valuable insights to our leadership to guide “what’s next” for our church, we took a spiritual life assessment! Here are the 5 key takeaways we’ll focus on:

– Trevor McIsaac, Spiritual Life Assessment Committee Chair

“I am so encouraged by the results of our assessment, to affirm our “leaning into God” when things become uncertain, and in our love, encouragement, and care of each other and the many new faces the Lord has entrusted to us from our community.  In a time where people are looking for something to hold on to, whether mature believer or new and seeking, the Lord is bringing them to us.”

Board Member Highlight

The Discipleship Pathway

Teaching Groups


We launched our first course along the Discipleship Pathway in the fall with Alpha, which was finally back in-person! We had many great discussions and tons of thoughtful questions were asked and processed in the group.

Discover Baptism

Baptized 18 people

How To Read The Bible

We quickly jumped into an in depth study of How To Read The Bible, where we walked through the Bible and all of the genres contained in it to see how we can read it and study it well.


Following our amazing Advent season we journeyed through our Foundations course. Teaching and discussions around topics like Evil in the universe, the Church, How do I Act? What do I not do? created an environment where every participant shared that they grew in their faith.

Discover Membership

Added 14 new members

Better Love Marriage Enrichment

Pastor Mark then led a Marriage enrichment course called Better Love in the early spring and saw an amazing group of couples come out and grow closer to God and each other. There were newly married couples all the way to those who are married for more than 40 years. Truly a great experience for all.

The Book of Micah

And a Pastor's Bible Study on the book of Micah has a great environment for group learning. Sitting together around tables as Pastor Andrew reveals some of the depth of the minor prophet, as well as providing space for each person to discuss with peers and see scripture truly come alive!

Stay tuned for the launch of our interactive Discipleship Pathway webpage, coming this fall, so you can know WHAT’S NEXT in your discipleship journey


The WM Missions team is an active group that regularly meets to discuss projects and ideas that will put a spotlight on the Missionaries and Missions’ organizations that we support.  This year, West Meadows has hosted White Cross Workdays, made further strides in considering a Sister Church Partnership, hosted several Video Visits with missionaries, prepared monthly Missions Highlights for the Weekly, began work on a video display

of our missions partners, proposed new missions partners, and supported plans for a future short-term missions trip. Some of our long-term missionaries are retiring: Elsie Lewandowski, Cal & Susie Hohn, and Ron & Hanna Kreuger, but be on the lookout for some fresh faces and fresh ways that West Meadows will be investing in and supporting local and global missions’ efforts.

Connect Groups RE-VAMPED

Men’s Breakfast

We have taken our Saturday breakfast in house and oh man do we love our bacon. We have held a monthly breakfast for all the men of WMBC this ministry year and we have been fed by countless strips of bacon as well as been challenged and inspired through our amazing guest speakers.

Lunch ‘n’ Learn

We are back, and it is amazing to connect and our seniors know how to enjoy themselves! It has been a great year of connecting and growing together. Look forward to many more connecting opportunities this coming year!

New Life Cafe

We have seen an amazing ministry be revived this past ministry year, our cafe, our New Life Cafe. It has certainly been a busy place with a great buzz of New Life every week!

Interested in joining the Cafe Team? Email office@westmeadows.org

Gingerbread Night

We thoroughly enjoyed the excitement in the foyer as everyone grabbed a picture of their amazing gingerbread house creations with the infamous Gingy!

people to our gingerbread night this past year!

We welcomed over


– Matt Boily, Governance Committee Chair

“It was a blessing to be able to work with a group of such talented and knowledgeable individuals. The knowledge and insights shared by the committee this past year in the area of organizational governance will be a huge help in ensuring the Board (and WMBC) functions to the best of its ability.”

Board Member Highlight

Sports Ministry

Our Sports Ministry connects people through activities like slo pitch, floor hockey, and volleyball, fostering a sense of community and enjoyment! By providing a place for people to participate in various sports, it breaks down barriers and opens up opportunity for people to get to know one another.

We go to a local school once a week in the fall and winter to play ball hockey as well, the nets get loaded up each week.

Additionally we also had volleyball this winter, we saw a good response from the congregation and were able to enjoy 12 weeks of drop-in volleyball, look for this group again in the fall!

Lewis Estates Retirement Residence

Through many different ups and downs this year we have been able to journey with the residents of the Lewis Estates Retirement Residence, and have seen them join us onsite here at West Meadows as well!


This year we have had a great time serving our community through the foodbank ministry.

families in the community.


250,000 lbs

Serving over

Distributing over

of food!

Helped over 20 new families through benevolence

We started a benevolence response team and have been able to help move families or pick up furniture for families on multiple occasions to be able to further serve those in our church community and our surrounding communities.

We’ve also ministered to over 60 individuals who are seeking support or connection through our online email response program partnership with CV Outreach.


Second Stories

Second Stories, our free clothing room, has been fully supported by the donations of our generous congregation. We have been able to help dozens of families, many of whom are brand new to Canada, have new clothes and household items.


We hosted 5 school concerts over the Christmas season making a total of 20 rentals, ranging from music recitals, business meetings, weddings and more!

If you’d like to be involved in helping host our rental events as an Event Supervisor or by joining the Tech Team, please email rentals@westmeadows.org


Projections based upon June 6 actuals


• General Fund: $655,458

• Benevolent Fund: $31,500

• Government Revenue: $12,718

• Facility Revenue: $250,644

• Event Revenue: $32,950

• Church Ministries: $18,700


• Missions: $85,000

• Admin: $46,400

• Personnel: $375,000

• Ministry: $90,000

• Facility: $294,640

Fun Facts



Number of Donors


Number of 1st Time Donors


Property Assessment Value:


That’s an increase of $1,574,000 over last year

City of Edmonton Taxable Property


What’s the best way to give to West Meadows?

There are a variety of ways to give, but the best way is by “e-transfer”.

Did you know that each time you give through the Church Center app, it collects a portion of your donation for operational fees? Thanks to e-transfer, we’ve saved approximately $1,657 in operational fees over the last fiscal year.

What an
incredible year!