We Believe
Our Mission is…
to invite people to experience New Life with Jesus, by living out His grace, truth, and love.
Our Vision is…
to be the heart of new life in Lewis Farms.
The DNA of Our Church
Our Value Statements should feel familiar (based upon who we are), fresh (based upon current trends), and be forward thinking (based upon who we sense God is calling us to be). As we re-affirm these guiding principles of our church, it is my prayer that our congregation will be excited to bring New Life to these words and continue the work God has begun in us, through us, and around us. — Mark Dixon, Lead Pastor
Our Values
Counter-Cultural Love
We share God’s never changing love, with an ever-changing world.
Heartfelt Hospitality
We cultivate a sense of belonging that softens hearts and saturates lives.
Encountering Jesus
We weave Jesus into our story so others experience Him through us.
Vibrant Faith
We give God our all, trusting we will experience His best.
Empowering People
We foster a culture where everyone’s gifts contribute to serve others and glorify God.
Strengthening Communities
We enrich the lives of Lewis Farms, by investing all we are to do all we can.