Seniors don’t retire, they re-fire!
Our seniors are a highly valued part of our church family, continuing to be actively involved in all areas of our church’s life: teaching, greeting, prayer ministry, leadership, visiting, outreach and so on. We promote many opportunities for seniors to gather in an encouraging, inviting atmosphere.
Discover Seniors
West Meadows Church gives opportunities for seniors to build community with their peers and inter-generationally. WMBC Seniors pursue God together in several ways.
Sunday Morning Worship Services integrate Seniors into the Body and provide meaningful opportunities for growth in your walk with God and spiritual feeding as you consider the continued purpose God has for you. Regardless of your physical condition or life circumstance, you will be treated with love, compassion, respect, honour, dignity and worth.
Lunch n’ Learn: A delicious lunch and short program focusing on an intriguing topic, promises good food, lots of laughs and a spiritual challenge. It’s an ideal outing to invite a friend to!
Seniors’ Life Groups: Bible study and prayer strengthens our Christian faith and fun and fellowship strengthens our bonds with people who share our life experience.
Seniors Spiritual & Physical Care: Staff & congregation are dedicated to visit our seniors to pray together & or address special concerns. Meals if you are recovering from illness or a hospital stay and Communion to home-bound seniors can be arranged by calling the church office at 780-451-3881.
Andrew Crossman
Pastor of Discipleship & Outreach