Interested in registering your kids for Sunday School? Plan your visit ahead of time »
Experience New Life with Jesus!
Children’s Ministry at West Meadows cultivates your child’s faith through WMBC Kids Ministry and provides you with resources to equip you to spiritually guide your family.
The Bible says we can’t really KNOW God & grasp His nature until we look at Him through a child’s eyes. At WMBC Kids we help your children understand God by nurturing their inborn sense of wonder. Small group chats about things like thunderstorms & night skies full of stars, as well as a solid introduction to Jesus, helps children on their journey to understand God.
Christian parents deeply desire for their children to GROW close to God. WMBC Kids helps children develop a strong, enduring relationship with God through ‘Hooray Let’s Pray’, Praise Parties, Bible study, & significant conversations with trained volunteers who are passionate about sharing Christ with children.
God lavishes us with unmerited, unconditional, & unfailing love. Being made in His image, we can express exceptional love, too. WMBC Kids SHOW God’s love by being a friend, and not just friendly, to all people, regardless of anything that makes someone ‘different’.
How it works
Worship services begin at 10AM every Sunday, but we’d encourage you to arrive early to check in your children.
All children are welcome from birth to grade 6.
When you arrive, feel free to use our kids entrance! You can also access our Kids ministry from the main foyer.
Friendly greeters will be happy to direct you or simply follow our signage.
After signing in your kids with our volunteers, children will stay in the kids wing for the entire worship service for their Sunday Morning Groups
After service, please return to the Kids Lobby for pickup using your given security code.

Experience our Kids Ministry from a child’s perspective!
Be kind. Be safe.
WMBC Kids has 2 rules! Be Kind…Be Safe. Why? Because the spiritual, physical, & emotional safety of our children is very important to us at West Meadows; therefore, we implement Plan to Protect policies and procedures which ensure that anyone in a position of responsibility has been thoroughly trained & interviewed with reference & background checks conducted.
When you check in your child, you receive a name tag for your child and a parent pick up tag for you. These tags have matching identification codes. Each week, you will receive a new code upon check in. A Security Monitor checks in on WMBC Kids spaces, regularly, to ensure that everything is going smoothly.
Intermittently, we run Evacuation Drills (with notice to parents). Our record to get every child out of the building and to the Muster Point is just under 2 minutes! In case of a real emergency, parents will meet their children at the Muster Point (a large Teddy Bear sign in a field to the northeast of the building).
Quick Links
Thina Ritter
Pastor of Family Ministries