The DNA of Our Church | Empowering People

How to use it: After watching/listening to this week’s message, from November 13, 2022, use the questions to go deeper into the message, with your group…or on your own. The questions will introduce you to the topic, reflect content from the sermon, go ‘Beyond the Message’, & get you thinking about practical applications for your life.

  1. Share a time when you didn’t “take inventory” before starting a project, trip, or relationship. Did someone else “take inventory” for you? How did it turn out? What difference would it have made if you have taken this step first?

  2. According to 1 Samuel 16:7, when people take invitatory of others or themselves, they tend to look at outward qualities, but God looks at our inward qualities. Define and give examples of outward vs inward qualities. How could emphasizing outward qualities keep a person from serving God according to their inward abilities?

  3. Reflection on our philosophy of ministry: “we are not a minister and a congregation; we are a mistering congregation.”

    a. Have you been part of another church that functioned as “a minster and a congregation” (i.e. only a minister ministered to the congregation)?

    b. Read the following passages and describe how they further define our biblical philosophy of ministry. Eph 4:11-12; Eph 2:10; Rom 12:4-8; 1 Cor 12:4-12; 27-28.

    c. What are some practical ways you and others in our church function according to this way of doing ministry?

  4. If you have not already done so, take some time now to complete the Spiritual Gifts assessment at The link can be found HERE, or contact the office for paper copies.

    a. Share with your group what spiritual gifts you possess. Are you surprised by the results? Ask the group to affirm where they have seen this lived out in you, or share an example of a time another godly person called out this gift in you.

    b. What are some ways you as an individual or as a group could put these God-given gifts into practice for the good of others and the glory of God?

    Prayer: Read all six values found here and reflect for a moment on the value of Empowering People; “we foster a culture where everyone’s gifts contribute to serve others and glorify God.” As you close, pray for one another asking God to provide opportunities for you to live out this value in the coming week.


The DNA of Our Church | Strengthening Communities


The DNA of Our Church | Vibrant Faith