Piecing It Together: God’s Plan for Marriage | Cleaving in Heart & Soul
How to use it: After watching/listening to this week’s message, from March 26, 2023, use the questions to go deeper into the message, with your group…or on your own. The questions will introduce you to the topic, reflect content from the sermon, go ‘Beyond the Message’, & get you thinking about practical applications for your life.
The word “cleave” is a contronym or Janus word, because it has two opposite meanings. What other contronyms can you think of?
Recall to two ways “cleave” can be defined (ref. Matt 19:3-6). Explain in your own words what Jesus is declaring in Matthew 19:6.
Define “intimacy.” After reading Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, describe how a person can experience intimacy physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.
How familiar are you with the idea of spiritual intimacy in marriage? Do you think it is common for couples to struggle with this? Why or why not?
Take time in advance of your group session (or during it) to determine your Sacred Pathway. Share yours with the group and explain how you experience God, thereby allowing them to learn about you and about Him.
What are some shared activities or spiritual disciplines that would allow you to express your Sacred Pathways with your spouse or close friend?