Pastor411 | Week 4

How to use it: After watching/listening to this week’s message, from May 7, 2023, use the questions to go deeper into the message, with your group…or on your own. The questions will introduce you to the topic, reflect content from the sermon, go ‘Beyond the Message’, & get you thinking about practical applications for your life.

  1. This past week was Star Wars Day, “May the 4 th be with you!” Recalling the question about the theological implications of discovering sentient life in the universe;

    a. Based on Gen 1:26-27, what does it mean humanity is made in the image of God?

    b. What does this mean for our role in creation? What would it mean for our relationship to other sentient life in the universe?

  2. Pastor Mark stated that Liberation Theology/ Progressive Christianity contains Scriptural support but errs by equating these concerns with the Gospel.

    a. What is the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus? (Mark 1:1, 14-15; 1 Cor 15:1-5)

    b. Do you agree with Pastor Mark that the Gospel is of highest priority and the concerns of Progressive Christianity are an expression of living out the Good New of Jesus?

  3. In 1 Cor 11, Paul addresses an issue with how that church was participating in communion.

    a. Read v.17-22. What was taking place within the church community?

    b. Read v.27-32. What does Paul caution before participating in communion?

    c. If we have unconfessed sin or unresolved conflict with others, should still participate in communion?

  4. Pastor Mark summarized five views of creation from Concordist to Non-Concordist. Download the summary sheet HERE and discuss the question Pastor Mark recommended for evaluating each view.

    a. How does each view affect the way we view Scripture?

    b. What does it mean that God is involved in people’s lives? To what extent?

    c. What implications does each view have on meaning, purpose, and value of life?


The Book of Ruth | A Noble Woman


Pastor411 | Week 3